The Pros and Cons of Online Fashion Shopping

So let’s just break it down a bit to find out the Pros and Cons of it all so we can figure it out. So what things come to mind when it comes to comparing both, well let’s see;


Pros: So you don’t have to drive off, take a bus or the train to your favorite store which that saves a bit of travel cash. You don’t really have to work around your job hours as you can probably shop from your smart phone on your break. Cons: It is less fun since it means you are not going to enjoy a trip to the mall. Also, sometimes when you go shopping you come up a bit short on cash to buy that cute sweater and you miss out on the convenience of borrowing money from a friend.

The Skinny: OK, this is a bit more of a Pro than a Con but that is still debatable, unless you are that friend who is always lending the money.

Store Layout

Pros: No physical layout means with a well design website you get to what you want when you want it. You will not be pressured by a store owner’s layout to dig through their preferred design to get to the brands you want.

Cons: It can be argued that the store layout is half the fun of visiting a local store. With all the multiple posters, sales messages and product placements you go into a store thinking you will only spend $80 but you come out with so much more.

The Skinny: This is probably an individual choice and to each their own on if they like store layouts or not.

Discreet Shopping Experience

Pros: No one needs to know what you are buying, when you are buying it, who you are buying it for, how much you are spending or where you went to buy it.

Cons: This sounds so lonely! Isn’t showing off to everyone what you are about to purchase half the fun? Plus you know the next day you can talk to your friends about the time you spent at the store looking at that cute skirt you almost purchased.

The Skinny: Unless you really enjoy the publicity of shopping in a local store, then the Pros have the edge here. But then again it does seem a bit lonely without having a store employee attend your needs.

Excellent Prices

Pros: With fewer overhead the items cost less to maintain in-stock so it is cheaper for the consumer to purchase. If you factor in that certain purchases can be exempt of taxes (depending on your state) and you also deduce the average cost of your transportation to the store, you will be saving a substantial amount shopping for your fashion selections. Cons: I beg to differ! You only really save on transportation costs if your purchase with free shipping, and most stores require a minimum purchase before that kicks in so unless you were planning to purchase their minimum to begin with it wasn’t an advantage. And even if it did save you money you still lost time, it can take several days to get the outfits you want after you have paid for them.

The Skinny: Better prices are a good argument that most people make for the Pros but it is a give and take where you accept the lower cost for a delay of delivery of fashion goods. So it comes down to balancing the choice of time vs. money most of the time.

By no means is this list complete as there are several other factors not covered such as; samples, hours of operation, customer service, reviews, reliability, variety, etc. as this article was more of a basis on online fashion shopping, not a straight comparison vs. local fashion stores, but we can see that the Pros of this type of shopping have created a competitive option in the fashion world and will continue to dominate certain areas for the near future. So what is your opinion about online fashion shopping?

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Earning Money Through Online Fashion

Life today is greatly influenced by fashion. There are lots of people who are very much into style and vogue. Not only women are interested in fashion, but some men are concerned with it as well. And in this world of art and technology, we can combine both in order for us to earn money. How? Art comes in fashion, while technology comes in through the internet.

If you want to earn money online, you can do so by selling items. There are many online fashion boutiques nowadays. You can choose from a wide range of items to sell. But of course, you would need to invest money on it, unless you sell pre-owned stuff. There are some people who have contacts on other countries and would partner with them in selling fashion goods. How does it work? Well, you need to have somebody in another country that you know. That person would buy stuff like clothes, footwear, and accessories then you will be the one to sell them online. The both of you would have to settle on a clear deal with your fashion business in order to prevent any dissensions because this includes shipping of the products. It may seem complicated but when you settle upon it, your online fashion business will be a blast!

Another way is to create things and sell them online. Accessories are the number one products for this. You can make bracelets, necklaces, or other things that you think people would like to buy. These products appeal to most teenagers and young professionals. Pre-owned garments are also being sold online. You can, too! But in selling these garments, you have to carefully pick your products-to-be and sell them in prices that are really affordable.

Online fashion businesses are the fad today especially that many people are also inclined to online shopping. When you decide to go for this, you can set up your own website or make an account in social networks such as Facebook, Multiply, etc. These will be your outlets for your online fashion business. Just remember always that when you partner with someone for your online fashion business, you need to have trust in each other. If you are going to sell goods that you created, have the confidence that people will like your products. And if you are going to sell pre-owned garments, just be sure they are still in good shape. This is how online fashion is and how you earn money through it.

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How Travel Is Reshaping the Fashion Industry

The answer to the question ‘how travel is reshaping the fashion industry’ is simple!

When an Asian tourist of a high socioeconomic status goes to the US and shops fashion accessories; they bring the international market with them. When they catch the attention of the top fashion brands, they cater their needs by those brands. These same brands, having seen the effect of the increase in tourism, have started creating unique marketing campaigns that provide their international buyers. They would provide people with special deals, personal shoppers or even a language translator to help the market grow in their country. So in this article, we are going to talk about this topic in detail!

Travel Industry and Social Media is Changing the Fashion Industry:

Nowadays, being able to reach your target audience through the internet is more important than anything else!

If a brand fails to do that, see a major decline in sales. It could be through social media and digital marketing or e-commerce, but the new revolution of the fashion industry is how internet-famous your brand is. Models, makeup artists, producers, and stylists are hired more for their influence in the social media than their talents. The more followers on Instagram or Twitter, the more your brand would sell. That is the new formula that is reshaping the fashion industry.

Brands that still stick to the traditional marketing style have been losing their relevance in the industry and their sales. Three out of four buyers are inclined to buy a brand’s products after seeing it or hearing about it, online. Social media is transforming the fashion industry because now people want to experience firsthand what they buy through Snapchats or Tweets online. If a consumer does not find their desired brand online, they move on to the next big brand that is online and serve their wishes.

Today, a person’s social status is determined by their extravagant travels and experiences rather than the Jimmy Choos they wear or the bag they carry. It is all about opulent adventures in foreign countries and not how much you spend on your watches or clothes. There has been a break in the fashion industry that has brought about a shift in the way they do things now. Designers and brands worldwide are trying to modify themselves to be able to fit in the new demographic trends. That is how travel is changing the fashion industry. The Chinese tourists did approximately a record $229 billion shopping of expensive items in the year 2015. But, with the new wave of preference of destinations over lavish goods, brands have started adapting the same trend. They are now trying to reach different regions of the world by marketing their campaigns in a way they get the ‘experience’ people desire. These are just some of the ways high-end travel is reshaping the fashion industry!

New Hotel Brands Are Reshaping the Travel Industry:

Nowadays, with the advent of travelers in every industry, it has become a new trend for big hotel companies to roll out new varieties in the hotel business. They are re branding existing hotels with new portfolios. It has become a new business strategy where they offer you captivating designs, intricate detail to the menus, striking artworks and emphasize on the local cultures. These new hotel brands offer a new way to experience your hotel stay. They all promise uniqueness while remaining consistent with their quality and service. Below is a list of such hotels that have attempted to bring a combination of reliable quality and exclusive experiences, together.

AC Hotels by Marriott:

They are a collection of hotels centered on design and such hotels provide their guests with energetic atmospheric lounges. They located in France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, and very recently in New Orleans. It is mainly for travelers who want to stay at Cosmopolitan hotels in cities.

Canopy by Hilton:

They have combined the charms of newly built and renovated buildings. Their designs are locally influenced and hold classy significance. They have also signed up to be in the neighborhoods of Pearl District in Oregon, Portland, Ithaca Commons in Upstate New York and downtown Nashville. It is basically for travelers who wish to have a laid-back time, trying out beer and relaxing activities.

Cordis Hotels and Resorts:

They are a collection of upscale hotels with exceptional architecture and designs by the Langham Hospitality Group. They will, recently, have their opening this summer in The Langham Place Mongkok, Hong Kong. They are also planning to open in China, New York, San Francisco, Miami, Singapore, Dubai, Bangkok, Bali, Sri Lanka, Los Angles, London, and Orlando. It is intended for travelers who are away on business but want their bit of luxury, too!

Curio a collection by Hilton:

These are a range of five and four stars hotels with unique qualities all over the world. Curio attached hotels include places like SLS Las Vegas; Highland, Dallas; the Franklin Hotel, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; the Providence Biltmore, Rhode Island; and Diplomat Resort and Spa Hollywood, Florida. Next will be in Portland, Oregon; Sarasota, Florida; Houston and Doha, Qatar. It is intended for business travelers who want the luxury of Hilton along with the new uniqueness of luxury.

EVEN Hotels:

These hotels, by the Inter Continental Hotel Group, are made keeping health and wellness, in mind. They provide yoga mats inside your room, organic and fresh food, etc. Their locations are in Rockville, Maryland and Norwalk, Connecticut for now, but they will be opening soon in the Midtown East, Midtown West and Brooklyn areas of New York. These hotels are for those IHG high people who would, rather not be, in a drab looking place and expect the usual luxury and comfort.

Graduate Hotels:

These are stylish, unusual pieces of properties that provide sanctuary for the family and professors visiting colleges. They would found in the Graduate Tempe, Arizona, and The Graduate Athens near the University of Georgia. They will soon open in Oxford, Mississippi; Madison, Wisconsin; Lincoln, Nebraska; and Charlottesville, Virginia. It is a definite upgrade from hotels with poor services!

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Careers in the Fashion Industry: How to Get Started

Getting an excellent jobs in fashion industry requires a degree and extraordinary creative skills, with the help of which you can get numerous jobs after pursuing a fashion design degree from a reputable institute. For making a good career in this field, you also need to choose the best job that can help you attain a successful position. It is important because fashion industry is a diverse field and you can only make a difference if you are extraordinarily great in a particular area.

Majority of people are confused when they come decide about the career and jobs in fashion industry. However, choosing the right career isn’t very difficult if you are aware of the basic requirements and complications. If you are aware of the basic procedures, you can certainly make your way to the big job.

It is essential to pursue a fashion design degree before you start your jobs in fashion industry. Even though, you can still work without having a degree but for making progress in the long run, pursuit of a degree is essential. You can either get a regular degree or pursue online fashion related degree from any of the accredited online universities for starting your career.

After pursuing fashion related degree, The best place to start is with an internship. Even if you’ve studied something fashion-related, nothing beats real-world experience. You have to be totally okay with starting at the bottom. A fashion internship is guaranteed to round off your textbook knowledge and develop your skills. Additionally, an internship every so often serves as an extended job interview and could land you a permanent position.

A jobs in fashion industry is really exciting and challenging. The world of fashion is constantly changing and reacting to what the public demands. If you are looking for good jobs fashion industry, you will probably have to move to a major city where you can work for a number of designers. You can also ask new designers if they would be willing to hire you to do anything related to fashion. You can learn about the fashion industry that way, and you will get a chance to see what happens in a designer’s world on a daily basis.

Success in the fashion industry jobs calls for an ultimate passion and enthusiasm to achieve set targets. The desires to create, see, explore and appreciate beauty must be inherent. It’s a creative field and one needs to possess as well as acquire certain skills that are indispensable, such as thinking creatively beyond the obvious and the ability to carve a niche in almost all the possible projects by making it different yet stunning than the previous one.Jobs in fashion industry revolve around beauty. In order to be successful in this field you should have the unquenchable thirst for beauty in its all-relevant forms. You can certainly excel in this field provided you believe in the proverb – “work is worship” and have immense potential to rise and make your mark in the fashion industry.

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Interesting Careers in the Fashion Industry

Do you have a love for fashion? Whether you make your own garments or you regularly end up giving vogue advice to people who you know? If so, maybe you should think about a career in the fashion industry? If you haven’t, chances are you’ll need to take the time to do so. Despite the wide spread delusions that a profession in fashion is one that is difficult to achieve, it is possible but it requires a lot of willpower and patience.

In terms of having a profession in the fashion industry, many are surprised in precisely what tasks and responsibilities are involved. The good thing about fashion is that there are a number of related focused jobs and careers out there. There’s something for everyone, even if it’s not in the limelight. Of course, many of the jobs involve working for another fashion expert or company, but there are opportunities out there that allow you to be your own your own boss.


One of the most popular and wanted careers in style is that of a designer. Fashion designers are people who design clothing, apparels, and accessories, such as jewelry or handbags. Many fashion designers start out small by making garments and clothing apparels for themselves and their friends, that’s how it usually starts. However, with determination, many continue to start promoting their very own fashions. You need a keen eye, creativity but more importantly – good marketing sense since your creations need to eventually sell.


Designers work closely with the dressmakers, or tailors (also known as the cutters). They actually produce the apparels or accessories. What is good about being a dressmaker is that you can make your individual clothes (once you get the patterns of the designer). Of course, dressmakers and tailors require a lot of patience and it’s very hectic, and fast pass environment.


One career that you may be considering is being the owner and operator of a style store. Fashion stores are available in different sizes, shapes, and styles. Some stores concentrate on a specific type of clothing, like elegant eveningwear, and others who provide all various kinds of fashions for all types of people, like men, ladies, children, short, tall etc… Retailers get to see what everyone else is doing in the industry and have to be in tune with the markets and leading trends.

Agents are the people that sell the garments to the retailers in the industry. In some ways, they represent the designers. A good agent knows the limitations of their designers and will only select good designers to represent.

Fashion Consultants

Another trend profession that could be of curiosity to you is a fashion consultant. Fashion consultants are individuals who advise their customers (usually designers) on the newest styles. Many designers will hire fashion consultants for input on what is hot and what will sell the best in the upcoming season.

Fashion consultants are also used to help individuals with their cloths and “how to wear them”. For example, fashion consultants will help people who are unsure about what to wear at a job interview, at a wedding, or for a special event.

Fashion Show Organizers

Many people do not realize, but fashion shows require a lot of work and they have to happen twice a year (fall and spring). Every designer needs to show case their products, and in doing so means that they have to do a lot of traveling. Fashion show organizers can take two forms. One is by being part of the organizing committee of the fashion show; the other is being the representative of the designer at the fashion show. Both require a lot of energy since you are always surrounded by people, cameras, and glitz. It’s a short duration, but it’s fast and full.

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Hollywood Fashion Industry – Fall Trends

The American Hollywood fashion industry during 1950s’ largely made use of celebrities to market the innovative trends and some of the world renowned fashion icons of this period were Marilyn Monroe, Ricky Nelson and Elvis Presley. Costume design in Hollywood fashion industry is one of the most important categories nowadays for different awards like the Academy Awards. It takes creativity and patience to work with a whole Fashion Shopping wardrobe and fashion sense for a film.

It established an identification point between the actors and the public. Among these the biggest influence on men and women alike were Hollywood stars and who are inspired from Hollywood fashion industry. Fashion industry use bright baggy clothes and use of make-up. We all love Fashion Shopping to shop for clothes and accessories. Going into those casually stores and browsing through a many of beautiful clothes is a treat for the eyes and the soul Hollywood fashion industry. These days there is a huge variety of clothes and apparels available in other words there is something for everybody for Fashion Shopping. Hence whether you are thin or fat, young or old, fair or dark; you will get a wide variety of choices in styles and clothes. Models in the 21st Century are more a part of the Fashion Shopping.

The Hollywood film The Devil Wears Prada starring Meryl Streep, has brought a lot of attention to the world of Hollywood fashion industry. More information about Prada Versace Gianni Versace became interested in fashion shopping working in his mother’s small dress shop. By 1978 he had become a design leader of women’s and men’s fashions. So when you are linked to a line or a designer it raises your profile and puts you more in demand. And the exposure Hollywood fashion industry models receive is now greater than ever. Ford’s path to fashion legend began when he moved to the New York as a teenager, and enrolled at the NYU in Art History. In 1986 Ford started his career with famous American designer Cathy Hardwick as a part of her creative staff; two years later, he became the Design Director for Perry Ellis. In 1985, they took part in a fashion show featuring “New Talent”, and the following year they presented their first independent women’s ready-to-wear show. There are plenty of places online where you can buy good quality fashion shopping on discount comforter sets by named brands. These stores don’t have such high overheads as your local stores and can take advantage of volume of clothes to offer you the best possible prices for your choice.

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Making a Mark in the American Fashion Industry

The main center of the American fashion industry is believed to be New York where the Fashion Week was held in 2009 featuring all the renowned names in the field not only from America but from all over the world. Although New York is supposed to be the ultimate spot for showcasing the latest fashion trends, Los Angeles is not far behind as is evident from the numbers of fashion houses which have crept up in the city during the recent years. Thus, the American fashion industry of the new millennium operates mainly from these two centers unlike the past when cities like Miami and Chicago served as the centers for fashion designing.

It is true that the American fashion industry has earned a reputation for itself for being an arena in which cut-throat competition is a way of life even for every day survival. Therefore, apart from the necessary bit of luck, aspiring models and designers who truly wish to create a name for them in the American fashion industry must possess certain basic attributes as well as pre requisites which would enhance their chances of building a worthy career. One of the most important attributes in this regard is to possess confidence in combination with an out-going personality which would not only enable one to speak out boldly but would also increase one’s chances of being noticed. Often described as flamboyant, a confident and indomitable personality is likely to make a mark and also reach places within the industry much sooner than others.

Fashion is about style and hence it is imperative for an aspiring fashion designer to be aware of the wide range of styles which are in keeping with the mind-set of the American people. Style is something which can be taught or learnt by an individual but is an inherent attribute which is honed by going through all the latest fashion magazines and understand the flexibility in clothing in terms of slim sizes and plus size clothing. At the same time, one must also be knowledgeable about the prominent fashion houses which dominate the American scenario at present so that a potential up-coming style can be easily spotted and capitalized upon.

As everyone related to the world of fashion must be aware of, it is not just the American fashion industry but the various fashion industries all over the world which now echo the sentiments of eco-friendly fashion in form of the ‘Green Revolution’. In order to express sympathy as well as concern towards the ecological issues like global warming and preserving the natural habitat of our beloved planet, the fashion industry is now focused on encouraging eco-friendly apparel and cosmetics thereby encouraging the sensible use of natural resources. Hence, an aspiring fashion designer might as well be aware of this latest trend and chalk out a career path accordingly.

Of course, ambition and experience are mandatory ingredients for an individual who is desirous of making it big in the American fashion industry as ambition which is short of arrogance often leads to unprecedented and unimaginable opportunities while experience can provide one with the all-important direction in one’s arsenal.

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Fashion and the Fashion Industry

Fashion is something special in each individual’s life. It reflects their lifestyle, their personality, their attitude and approach towards life and most of all the particular styles they prefer in clothing and foot wear and other accessories. Fashion is not restricted only to women but is active among men as well. The fashion industry today caters to the needs of different types of people interested in fine clothing, foot wear and all accessories or gadgets.

Fashion industry is the platform where one can find the best gadgets and accessories. Not only that, fashion is something that cannot be avoided, it is an inbuilt feeling within us that grows day by day. The most prominent part of fashion is clothing and foot wear and this has found the best place in the fashion industry. A whole lot of brands like Adidas, Puma, Reebok and the like have found the best place in the sports industry.

The best part of fashion is that it keeps changing everyday bringing out new ideas and new concepts giving the fashion industry a boost. People interested in fashion designing have really hit the jackpot since this is the industry that never dwindles at any time. As long as there is fashion in the air the fashion designers will be progressive.

Ethnicity is obvious in women’s fashion since women have a lot to choose from if they follow the latest fashions. Almost every woman loves to be fashionable in some way or the other to impress the opposite sex. Fashion not only brings out the beauty and elegance in a woman it also expresses here status, her personal expression, her style and her feminism which is the most important.

Today the fashion industry has gone on to find a suitable place in the men’s world as well with the latest brand T-shirts, jeans and formals, etc. bearing the brand of leading manufacturers like Tommy Hilfiger, D&G, Adidas, Reebok, etc. A man is a man only when he is portrayed in the best formal attire while at work. With the best brands of formal shirts and pants, blazers and suits from Van Heusen, Peter England, Arrow and much more the best part of a man is best portrayed.

The importance of the fashion industry is not just designing clothes and accessories for men and women; it also offers the best career for an enthusiast seeking big money with an interesting job. Unlike working with a bank or a departmental store that provides mundane work throughout, the fashion designing world offers a new purpose to look forward to each day. The fashion industry has a wide range to work with in textiles, apparels, accessories and just anything that is creative and innovative would be the best state-of-the-art technology that people throughout the world are looking forward to.

You can have an interesting career in the fashion industry like being a fashion designer or a fashion consultant, image consultant, fashion design consultant and any fashion software consultant. Do whatever you like, create your own images and bring them to life in the many T-shirts that are manufactured by leading companies. Men and women are always looking towards something new in the clothes they wear.

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An Overview Of Global Fashion Industry

The global fashion industry is among the most crucial sectors of economy in terms of income, trade, investment and employment generation worldwide. Fashion industry has tremendous variety of products, small product life cycles, unpredictable and volatile demand, inflexible and long supply procedures. Over the past twenty yrs this industry is in the transition.

Few of their great contributors are:

Progressive use of electronic mercantilism in retail, Remarkable consolidation in retail, and Wholesale merchandise

The apparel and clothing industry makes dressing products from both synthetic and natural fibers such as silk, cotton, wool, polyester, Lenin, rayon, jean and Lycra. The great sections covered in garment industry comprise children dressers, dresses for females, men’s dresses, men’s bridal clothing, wedding clothing and lingerie.

The supply chain of industry

The supply chain provided by the fashion industry network can be classified into 5 main components as fabric plants, raw materials, clothes manufacturers, exportation chains, garb plants, consumers and retail shops.

Leading manufacturing businesses and their share

During 2006, the biggest garment manufacturing businesses and exporters were nations from Asia-pacific part which comprised nations such as Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Ceylon, Thailand, Pakistan and India. Some other leading garment manufacturing countries were Italy, United States, Mexico and Germany.

Global trends and trade volume

Since the clothing manufacturing world has become more effortful and needs little capital money, their concentration are moving a lot toward the growing nations and still making big amount of the exportation. This could be proved by the reality that the clothing production in industrial nations has been reduced between eighties and 1996, where as production raised in growing nations on the same time period. Same trend was found in exportation, the clothing exportation from growing nations raised six-fold between eighties and 1997.

The total income of global fashion industry during 2006 was about 1, 252.8 billion US dollars, which was more or less sixty-eight percent of the total industry value.

The Industrial challenges

Even though the fashion industry is increasing at really a high rate however still there’s few barriers, which is obstructing the industrial growth. Few of them are:

Though the need for clothes is increasing daily but the rate of production is still can’t match the ever increasing demand. To match the demand more production facilities are required.

Globalization has supported the merchandise in several means however because of globalization the competition get raised and therefore it’s not really simple for the companies to cope with much competition, because they need to maintain quality and also meet the deadlines. Few merchandise polices still are much in favor of developing nations and to help imports from the developed nations they have to be reviewed.

As fashion industry is driven by fashion, and fashion keeps changing, the companies need to cope up with the changing trends of fashion industry. Therefore they normally have to work under pressure to complete orders in time.

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A Brief Overview Of Fashion Industry Magazines

Here is the list of all familiar fashion industry magazines around the world. This list comprises several types of business journals, magazines and periodicals. The information below also comprises brief overview, name of magazine etc.

The apparel strategist

This is the leading Canadian monthly magazine related to textile and fashion business. For the last eighteen yrs this journal is serving up the requirements of investors and professionals engaged in textile and apparel industry. This publication gives news reports about the latest trends, predictions on the subsequent development of industry, important statistics and graphical representations of textile and apparel industry trade cycles.

Images business of fashion

This popular business publication has all over million subscribers in mid east and Indian subcontinent. This publication emphasizes on retailing, marketing, branding and trading in apparel industry. Other vital topics covered in this publication are lifestyle, apparel, garments and awards related to beauty and fashion industry. This publication is printed every month. The publication is making a rule in United States and European markets.


This publication is the web-based magazine issued thirteen times every yr. This publication is the most extraordinary source of info for technical and business information related to cosmetic business. This publication as well gives instructions about the package and some other things needed for operating the market digitally for adorned apparel such as screen-printing, embroidery, fancywork, digital adorning and heat-applied graphics.

Sportswear International

This magazine is the German publication, which is released six times a year, both in German and English language. This publication was launched in the yr 1975 and provides clear and effective info about sportswear, denims wear, outerwear, active wear, casual wear, latest menswear, modern dresses, footwear, young fashion designers, and fabric market. This publication reports on the latest brands, new trends and issues related to apparel industry. The extraordinary feature of their publication is their award-winning photography section and fashion shoot.

Fashion Market

This publication is the United States monthly magazine and one of the best-selling fashion industry magazines in US, which gives all the vital report about the fashion business. This publication generally provides the needs of corporate executives and women involved in fashion industry. It provides updated and latest news about fashion, style and businessmen.

Wearable business publication

This is the US based publication issued eleven times a year. This publication provides the needs of marketing agencies and promotional clothing products distributors. This publication caters the readers’ new trends, latest news, commercializing and sales basics and tips about latest growths in accessories and apparel industry.

Glamour Magazine

This is a UK based magazine and top selling women’s publication in Britain. It gives detailed info on beauty, style, and health. This publication as well features special section on horoscopes and contents on celebrities.


This is the most best-selling magazine in South Africa’s fashion industry network. This publication is released onetime in every 2 months and is dedicated to textiles, apparel and some other related industries. This publication provides their readers with marketing techniques, new trends, interviews with a famous persons and reports.

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